New EU publications a goldmine for Irish Marine Researchers
Two new EU publications on current European Marine Research are a goldmine of information for Irish researchers on who is doing what, with whom and where.
Such information is vital to researchers, programme managers, policy makers and research intensive SMEs in order to avoid costly overlap and duplication. Information on such projects is not usually available until the project is completed and the results published in scientific journals – often an interval of several years.
Synopsis of Fisheries and Aquaculture research projects in the 6th Framework Programme (2002-2006):
This publication summarises 159 fisheries and aquaculture projects funded under FP6 Programme (2002-2006). Many of these projects are still on-going and include 33 projects with Irish participation. The publication also includes information on seafood processing, health and safety projects. Projects included are not only those funded under FP6 Priority 5 (Food Quality and Safety) but also under the Global Change and Ecosystem Programme (Priority 6) as well as the Research for SMEs the INCO (International Co-operation) and Marie Curie (Mobility) Programmes. Copies can be provided from DG Research – contact: |
Cooperation Theme 6 - Environment (including Climate Change): Catalogue of FP7 Projects (2007-2009):
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This catalogue contains a comprehensive description of all 221 projects supported to date under FP7 Theme 6 - Environment including Climate Change. Included are descriptions of 26 marine projects, 10 of which include Irish partners. See the following link to download Copies of this Catalogue |
See the following for information on current EU FP7 calls for proposals offer funding opportunities for collaborative marine research.
FP7 Information Event: FP7-Environment National Information Day:
A Networking Event looking towards 2011 and beyond.
Friday 9th October 2009
Hilton Airport Hotel