Young Irish Researchers to attend BioMarine 2008 Forum
Further to an open competition launch on the Marine Institute website in June, six young Irish researchers (PhD scholars/new post-doc fellows) have been awarded Travel Grants to attend the French-EU Presidency BioMarine 2008 Forum ( in Toulon/Marseille in October 2008.
BioMarine 2008 Travel Grant Recipients are :
- Ms Gwendolin Porst – Trinity College Dublin
- Dr Myriam Callier, University College Dublin
- Ms Fionnuala McBreen, Trinity College Dublin
- Dr Maxim Kozachenko, University College Cork
- Mr Ciaran Peyton, University College Dublin
- Mr Michael Haverty, National University of Ireland, Galway
The BioMarine 2008 Forum will be the major maritime event of the French EU Presidency 2008. The Forum will include debates on hot marine policy and scientific issues, R&D up-dates, public outreach activities and a marine industries convention. It will feature over 150 internationally renowned contributors on marine/maritime topics including: climate change and the oceans – scenarios for the future ocean; security and governance; designing safer and cleaner ships; space technology in the service of our oceans; renewable ocean energy; conserving marine biodiversity; blue biotechnology; sustainable fisheries and aquaculture; the deep-ocean frontier.
The Marine Institute, CEO, Dr Peter Heffernan, will be a keynote contributor to the Forum Summit Debate: What people don’t know about the ocean - and should care about (22nd October). He will be joined on the podium by: Jean-Louis Borloo, French Minister of the Environment, Transport and Sustainable Development; Sandra Bessudo, Malpelo Foundation, Colombia; Tony Haymet, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, USA and David de Rothschild (the Plastiki Expedition, UK).
Full details on the BioMarine 2008 Forum are available at: