Networking & Marine Research Communication Awards

The Marine Institute provides awards to promote appropriate networking and marine research communication activities that support the Irish marine research community. The awards are designed as a small-scale, flexible scheme to support networking and marine research communication initiatives in the marine sector. During 2021 the Networking Awards provided funding for hosting/attendance at virtual events. Grant support is provided in the following categories:

A. Hosting Workshops & Conferences

This award provides support for the organisation of national/international Marine Conferences or Workshops held in Ireland. 

B. Researcher Awards

This award provides funding to:

  • Present papers/posters at international conferences/workshops.
  • Undertake a Working Visit to an international research institution.
  • Attend a marine-related training course.

C. Marine Research Communication

This award provides funding towards:

  • Open Access Publication Costs to disseminate marine research findings.
  • Preparation and dissemination of research outputs focusing on communication research impact.
  • Media production costs depicting and promoting marine research in Ireland.

Specifically funding is awarded for:

  • Post-Graduate Students, Early Stage Post-Doctoral Researchers and Research Assistants to present their marine research to an international audience, network with international marine experts and disseminate research carried out in Ireland on the global stage.
  • Networking opportunities including support for hosting marine conferences / workshops held in Ireland
  • Open Access Publication costs relevant to marine research carried out under the themes outlined in the National Marine Research & Innovation strategy 2017-2021.
  • Short/small scale media productions promoting marine research in Ireland.


Funding Awarded
Total funded 2024 - €148,956 (6 Hosted Conferences/Workshops; 76 Researcher Awards; 7 Open Access Publications; 7 Media Productions)
Total funded 2023 - €134,646 (7 Hosted Conferences/Workshops; 55 Researcher Awards; 9 Open Access Publications; 9 Media Productions)
Total funded 2022 - €71,265 (7 Hosted Conferences/Workshops; 38 Researcher Awards; 7 Open Access Publications; 7 Media Productions)

Total funded 2021 - €28,920 (2 Hosted Virtual Conferences/Workshops; 13 Researcher Awards; 6 Open Access Publications; 3 Media Productions)

Total funded 2020 - €9,983 (2 Hosted Virtual Conferences/Workshops; 8 Virtual Travel Awards)


This scheme is funded by the Marine Institute under the Marine Research Programme with the support of the Irish Government.


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