Explorers Favourite Ocean Facts and Activities
While schools are closed, the Explorers team will be sharing their favourite facts about the ocean, based on a range of ocean themes. We will also include some of our favourite lesson plans, activities and ideas for cross curricular projects that children can work on by themselves, with their families, or with their teachers while at home. Just click on the facts below and let the ocean learning begin. Feel free to share your children’s work with us online using the hashtags #ExplorersEducationProgramme #ExplorersAtHome.
The Earth is One Big Ocean with Many Features
David has some great ideas on learning about our Ocean and provides an introduction for children on how to remember all of the ocean names.
The Ocean is a Major Influence on our Weather and Climate
Rachel has provided us with some great science, geography and art activities that we love to use to explain weather and climate to children.
The ocean supports a great diversity of Life and Ecosystems
Shazia knows a lot about the moon, sun earth and tides AND how this affects the animals on the seashore. Check out the fun quiz and worksheet learning about tides, play gravity activities, bake tidal retreat biscuits and create a play about what it would be like living on the seashore - having to deal with tides.
The Ocean Supports a Great Diversity of Life and Ecosystems – at the Seashore
Padraic is bouncing with ideas of how we can learn about the seashore. We can start our exploration at home by plan our seashore safaris, make a seashore conservation code, as well as create seashore safety posters. Check out some of the fun quizzes and games for the family that can be done at home and on the seashore, from making sea monsters to creating a seashore diorama.
The Ocean is Largely Unexplored
The ocean is the largest unexplored place on Earth. It is said that only 5% of the ocean has been explored. This provides great opportunities for discovery, innovation, inventions and investigation. Mervyn shares some great ideas for science, history, art and English activities, learning about John Phillip Holland and the history of submarines.
The Ocean and Humans are Inextricably Interconnected
The ocean has an influence on humans in many ways, from the food we eat and resources we use to the weather and fresh water supply (through the water cycle). The ocean also provides a significant influence on our daily wellbeing, culture and heritage. Carmel shares some amazing ideas for lessons and activities to inspire learning about the ocean through arts and using multi-media textiles.
The Ocean and Life in the Ocean Shape the Features of the Earth
Mel has gone deep under the ocean to share some amazing resources about the extremes under the ocean. Some incredible resources learning about pressure, hydrothermal vents and the strangest animals!