The Irish Maritime Development Office
About the Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO)
The Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO) is Ireland’s national dedicated development, promotional and marketing office for the shipping services sector.
The office has been established for over nine years as part of the Marine Institute. The office operates under the auspices of the Irish Department Of Transport and is charged with the responsibility for undertaking the following activities through its statutory remit:
- To promote and assist the development of Irish shipping and Irish shipping services and seafarer training.
- To liaise with, support and market the shipping and shipping services sector.
- To advise the Minister on the development and co-ordination of policy in the shipping and shipping services sector so as to protect and create employment.
More information on the work and research that the Irish Maritime Development Office are involved with is available on our main website
Contact us on for general enquiries regarding the Irish maritime and shipping industry.
Contact us on for information on Ireland’s Maritime Cluster.