1st Announcement - EAFP UK & Ireland Branches

 EAFP UK & Ireland Branches Third Meeting

''Connecting Academia with Industry for improved Aquatic Animal Health"

Following on from the successful meetings in Keele (2014) and Stirling (2016), the Marine Institute in Ireland is happy to host the third meeting in Galway on 11 – 12th September 2018. The theme of the next meeting will be "connecting academia with industry for improved aquatic animal health". The conference will focus on the latest scientific advances and how this can be applied to the crustacean, molluscan and finfish aquaculture industries to improve the health of the animals. The meeting will open with a key note lecture followed by specific sessions on topics relevant to the UK and Ireland. Early stage researchers (post-graduate students, PhD's) will also get the opportunity to present their work in a dedicated session.

Registration for this event will open in early 2018 and we look forward to welcoming you all to the City of Tribes in the west of Ireland. More announcements will follow on the EAFP website and you can contact Dr. Neil Ruane (neil.ruane@marine.ie) if you have any queries.