Scientific & Technical Officer (STO) Spatial Data Analyst & Services Developer - Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Marine Spatial Planning Policy Support
Vacancy Area
Organisation Description:
The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for marine research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI). The Marine Institute seeks to assess and realise the economic potential of Ireland’s 220-million-acre marine resource; promote the sustainable development of marine industry through strategic funding programmes and scientific services; and safeguard the marine environment through research and environmental monitoring. The Institute works in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine (DAFM) and a network of other Government Departments, semi-state agencies, national and international marine partners.
Summary of the Role:
The successful candidate will be based within the Institute’s Information Services and Development section. Working with the MSP and MSFD cross-service teams, the work undertaken will directly support the management and availability of marine environmental data and information to support evidence-based decision-making and reporting on the marine environment.
As the National Marine Data Centre, the Marine Institute collects and manages numerous data sets for a variety of purposes to support sustainable marine resources and environmental management on behalf of the public. Many of these data sets can be used to support marine spatial planning, while others are used to inform Government on the environmental status of conditions in the marine environment based on European Union criteria of GES as defined under the MSFD. That data can also be used to support the Institute’s legal monitoring commitments under the Oslo-Paris (OSPAR) convention and Water Framework Directive (WFD).
Please read a detailed job description here (right click to open JD in new window)
Educational and Professional Requirements:
Essential / Important:
• A degree or equivalent higher qualification in IT/Computer Science, engineering or other numerical disciplines.
• Experience with spatial data and analysis, including the use of GIS.
• Experience in the management of data, ideally scientific or environmental datasets.
• Database skills, preferably in MS SQL Server or similar enterprise-scale DBMS.
• The ability to be well organised and work to deadlines identifying priorities and managing time effectively.
• Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively at all levels both in writing and verbally with technical, scientific and non-technical groups.
• The ability to work unsupervised and to work well with others.
• A demonstrated willingness to learn.
Duration of Contract:
The contract will be issued on a specified purpose basis for up to a maximum duration of up to 31st December 2023, subject to funding with a 6 month probationary period.
How to Apply:
A C.V. and letter of application, summarising experience and skill set applicable to the position should be emailed to or posted to Human Resources at the Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Galway. All correspondence for this post should quote reference OCIS/STO/GIS/Feb23
Closing date for Applications:
All applications for this post should be received by the Marine Institute in advance of 12 noon on the 31st of March 2023. Please note that late applications will not be accepted.
Use of data- all personal data and the information submitted for this application will be used solely for the purpose of this campaign, after which it will be deleted in line with our data and documents policy. All information will be treated with the strictest confidence and accessed only by those involved directly in the campaign.
Marine Institute is an equal opportunities employer