Marine Institute on board for Ireland’s National Workplace Wellbeing Day

National Workplace Wellbeing Day01 May 2020 - The Marine Institute is delighted to participate in the 6th annual National Workplace Wellbeing Day 2020 taking place this Friday May 1st.

An initiative of Ibec, Ireland's National Workplace Wellbeing Day is a nationwide campaign designed to help improve employee wellbeing.

Speaking about the event Catherine Johnston, Head of H.R. in the Marine Institute said - "At the Marine Institute our people have always been our greatest asset and we look forward to participating in initiatives that support and promote Workplace Wellbeing. It is particularly important as we find ourselves in these strange and sometimes challenging times. Like so many we are having to get used to new ways of working while we continue to deliver essential services and we are very conscious of the potential impacts of dealing with social and physical distancing. Looking after our mental and physical wellbeing has never been more important as we continue Working Together but apart!"

To mark National Workplace Wellbeing Day the Marine Institute will ensure that our people continue to have access to several online resources focused on promoting our mental and physical wellbeing. This will include Building Mental Resilience, Meditation, Exercising from Home for all levels of fitness, Mindfulness and Staying Connected.