Marine Institute to Host ARCOPOL Workshop
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- Where and When
This one day workshop will be hosted by the Marine Institute at Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway on Tuesday, 13th September 2011.
- Objective of the Workshop
This Workshop will present an opportunity to discuss the development of common procedures, techniques and decision tools for the management of response to hazardous and noxious substances, inert and oil spills.
The Workshop is being held under the auspices of the EU Interreg Atlantic Area ProjectARCOPOL in which the Marine Institute is a participant.
The purpose of this Workshop is to present the methods adopted across the ARCOPOLmember countries for:
- pollutant drift and fate modelling
- decision support tools for oil spill response
- dynamic risk analysis (integration of observations, modelling results, coastal sensitivities and available counter-measures)
- Format/ Organisation
Morning Session: Eight presentations (15 min) by invited speakers from Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal and United Kingdom outlining both research and operational pollution response systems in the respective countries which will act as introduction and inspiration for the discussion.
Afternoon Session: Practical demonstrations and informal discussion, giving the participants the opportunity to review the systems developed.
For detailed information please refer to the agenda.
Should you require any further information please contact
- Registration
Professionals with an interest in the subject are invited to attend. Attendance is free but registration is mandatory by email to as soon as possible. Number of participants is limited, on a first come first served basis.
Join the unique Modelling Workshop on “Tools for Response Management”.
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ARCOPOL is an ERDF funded project framed in the Atlantic Area Transnational Programme. The project was developed on the basis of the experience acquired through EROCIPS (Interreg IIIB) and aims to improve the preparedness, response and mitigation capabilities of local responders to accidental coastal pollution, specifically against oil, HNS and inert spills and to establish the basis for a sustainable Atlantic network of experts supported by adequate information, data exchange and management tools.
Specifically, ARCOPOL aims to:
• Incorporate outputs from EROCIPS into national, regional and local response plans
• Improve response capabilities in the event of HNS and inert spills
• Raise the level of awareness and training of responders and to increase the degree of stakeholder involvement
• Encourage cross boarder collaboration between neighbouring countries to improve response strategies and enhance mutual aid capabilities
• Develop a network of experts, within the Atlantic region, to advise local responders
• Improve mitigation capabilities by assessing current claim and compensation mechanisms as well as ecological damage compensation procedures
• Develop guidelines, tools and standard methodologies to assist responders.
ARCOPOL will contribute to the improvement of maritime safety, to the sustainable management and protection of the marine resources and to the protection of sensitive natural sites, water resources and coastal zones.
Moreover, ARCOPOL will create the foundation and establish the guiding principles of a sustainable Atlantic network of organizations and experts on spill and HNS response of the Atlantic Area. ARCOPOL will also develop operational guides, protocols, methodologies and tools dedicated to local responders. This will be transferable across member states seeking to adopt a holistic approach to preparedness, response and mitigation of oil and HNS spills.
For further information on ARCOPOL project please see leaflet.