SFPA, FSAI and the Marine Institute to Host Workshop for Industry on Sanitary Surveys for Shellfish Harvesting Areas

Oyster Farm.The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA), the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI), and the Marine Institute will host a workshop for industry on Thursday, 8th February at 10am on the requirements relating to sanitary surveys for shellfish harvesting areas and Ireland’s implementation of the relevant legislation. The workshop will be held in person at FSAI’s Head Office in Dublin as well as online. 

The programme for the workshop is included below, and will include speakers from the SFPA, FSAI, and the Marine Institute, IFA-Aquaculture, CEFAS (UK) and AquaFact. The SFPA will provide presentations on Data Management and Shellfish Classification as well as an update on the Sanitary Survey Programme in Ireland. The keynote speaker will be Michelle Price-Howard from the Centre for Environment, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Science (CEFAS). Michelle works with CEFAS as Principal Scientist, Seafood Safety, and is an environmental microbiologist with 20 years’ experience in environmental assessment, water quality and food safety microbiology. Her work has included environmental risk assessments for sanitary surveys of both aquaculture and wild-harvest shellfisheries for Food Standards Scotland. She has also been involved in providing training at EU and national level on the planning and conducting of sanitary surveys.

There will be an extended session to allow for a discussion on any topic relevant to sanitary surveys that participants may wish to raise. However, to help better plan the event it would be useful if participants could send questions or topics in ahead of time to allow presenters to tailor their presentations to participants’ needs. Questions can still be asked on the day.

Questions or topics for discussion can be sent to Una Walton in FSAI -  uwalton@fsai.ie


Note to Editor


If you would like to attend in person then please register by sending your name to uwalton@fsai.ie by Friday, 2nd February.

The Teams login details to the event can found below:

Download Teams - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app

Join on the web - https://www.microsoft.com/en-ie/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting?rtc=1

Meeting ID: 340 075 071 736
Passcode: g33dRq

Or call in (audio only)

+353 1 592 3998,,397409122#   Ireland, Dublin

Phone Conference ID: 397 409 122#

Programme for the Workshop:


Introduction to the workshop / Legal background & context



Scientific background and aspects to sanitary surveys



Technical Guidance – background and application



Coffee Break



Data Management & Shellfish Classification



Sanitary Survey Programme, Ireland – background and update



Sanitary Surveys – The Industry Perspective






















Further Information

About the SFPA 

The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) is the independent statutory body responsible for the regulation of the sea-fisheries and the sea-food production sectors. It promotes compliance with the EU Common Fisheries Policy, sea-fisheries law and food safety law relating to fish and fish products, verifies compliance and, where necessary, enforces it. Its mandate covers all fishing vessels operating within Ireland’s 200-mile limit, over 2,000 Irish registered fishing vessels wherever they operate, and all seafood produced in Ireland’s seafood processing companies. The SFPA operates through a network of regional port offices situated at Ireland’s main fishery harbours. For further information visit: www.sfpa.ie