Irish marine researchers can now apply for fully funded ship time and access to equipment on a fleet of European…
News Archive 2009
Researchers Gather in Belfast to Explore New Opportunities from Marine Bioactive Compounds
Research for new source book on Marine Law funded under the Marine Institute Manahan Fellowship.
Oyster mortality reported in Irish and French oyster production areas over the summer has been resolved and trade…
The Marine Institute recently hosted the final workshop for the three year SPIES DETOX project at its headquarters…
Over fifty delegates recently gathered at the Marine Institute headquarters in Galway to attend the ARCOPOL…
Two new EU publications on current European Marine Research are a goldmine of information for Irish researchers
The Marine Institute and the Geological Survey of Ireland will be hosting the SEABED 10 conference in Dublin on the…
Latest information about Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) since the 22nd June.
A series of surveys of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA) will commence around…
Atlantic Regions Coastal Pollution Response (ARCOPOL) Conference set for Galway on 7th September
EU Launches 4th call for proposals in its €50 billion 7th Framework Research Programme
The Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) Directory “Irish participation in EU FP7 funded competitive marine research…
On 2nd July 2009, an unseasonable storm with record rainfall caused major flooding around the Marine Institute’s…
Oyster growers in 10 bays around the country have been experiencing losses of between 15 and 75 per cent of their…
Irish Marine Science to get greater visibility on worldwide publications database.
An Integrated Maritime Policy for Europe represents "a unique opportunity", says EU Commissioner.
Dr Niall McDonough takes the helm of a key European marine science organisation.
The French Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries has announced a ban on exports of Pacific Oysters from areas…
Marine science and education community gets together to celebrate World Oceans Day in Galway
The Marine Institute ROV "Holland 1" films uncharted deepwater corals off Ireland's Atlantic coast.
Biodiversity Forum highlights danger of invasive species on International Biodiversity Day
The Marine Institute’s DVD “Explorer – A Deeper Understanding”, featuring spectacular deep water footage of…
Fishermen, Anglers and Scientists Join Forces to Understand Cod Stocks in the Celtic Sea
World Expert Speaks to Irish Marine Scientists About Effects of Climate Change on the Oceans
Optimising fish health is one of the key challenges facing Irish fish farmers today and will be the focus of a…
The Marine Institute hosted a meeting for marine socio-economic experts at its Galway Headquarters on the 10th March…
New legislation requires those holding or growing finfish or shellfish to apply to the Marine Institute for fish…
Ticket sales from "The Wizard of Oz", a joint production between the Marine Institute and Scoil Mhuire, Oranmore…