FOI Publication Scheme

Publication Scheme under Freedom of Information Act, 2014.


The Marine Institute has prepared and published a Publication Scheme concerning the information of the Institute confirming with the Model and Guidelines published by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform under Section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act, 2014.

The Scheme comes into effect on the 14th April, 2016.

Purpose of Scheme:

The Scheme is designed to facilitate the provision of information to the greatest extent possible, except for information exempted under the Act and in preparing, reviewing or revising a Publication Scheme, an FOI body shall have regard to the public interest in:

a. allowing public access to information held by the FOI body;
b. the publication of reasons for decisions made by the FOI body; and
c. publishing information of relevance or interest to the general public in relation to its activities and functions generally.

Scheme Format and Access:

The Scheme is web based with links from it to information under six headings as set out below which will be updated as provided for under the Act. A hard copy will be available for viewing by appointment also.


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