Alien sea squirt could cause problems for Irish marine life
News Archive 2007
Ireland consolidates its position as a viable international ship finance centre.
Five harbour seals were successfully tagged in Kenmare Bay, Co. Kerry last week by researchers from UCC, with…
Two sustainable energy devices will soon be generating electricity from wave power in Galway Bay.
Joint report by Marine Institute, BIM and Udaras shows Irish fish farm production values rose by 13% in 2006
A meeting at the Marine Institute will advise Irish marine researchers & research teams on competitive marine…
Extensive tests in severe sea conditions off the west coast of Ireland have proved Irish designed and built wave…
If you are a third-level or public sector researcher, or a marine sector SME, thinking of submitting a proposal…
A team of international scientists have succeeded in satellite tagging ocean sunfish off the coast of Dingle.
Marine Institute to host preliminary judging panel for the World Wildlife Fund SmartGear Awards
“Secrets of Ireland’s Seas” – An Post’s 2007 Educational Award Scheme has hooked a record 33,000 entries from…
The highest resolution wave forecast available for Ireland – one kilometre resolution - is now available on marine.…
The Marine Institute will play host to a gathering of shark experts from around Europe next week. These experts are…
The Marine Institute and Galway Atlantaquaria celebrated a scorcher World Ocean Day on Sunday (10th June) with a…
The Marine Institute takes great pleasure in hosting the Galway Science & Music School concert, "Music of the…
The first leg of the 2007 INFOMAR survey was completed on May 15th, having covered an area of 2,899 km2 in water…
A new multibeam echo sounder has just been fitted on the RV Celtic Voyager. The Kongsberg Simrad EM 3002 was…
EurOcean 2007 - A unique opportunity to have your voice heard on EU Marine Science & Technology Policies
Tá Foras na Mara ag lorg Aighneachtaí maidir le hullmhú na dréacht scéime ó aon pháirtithe leasmhara./The Marine…
The M4 Weather Buoy was moved from its position in Donegal Bay, 54 40N 09 04W, 44 nautical miles offshore to 55N 10W…
Closing Date for Submissions under the Marine Institute - DAF Marine Functional Foods Programme is May 30th
The Marine Institute have recently secured funding through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to acquire…
Dr. W R Turrell FRMS, Director of Fisheries Management and Marine Ecosystems Programmes, Aberdeen, Scotland will be…
A new interactive temperature data web page has just been launched on the Marine Institute Web Site. It offers…
The Department of Communications Marine and Natural Resources is now inviting proposals for the new Beaufort Marine…
Are you involved in Marine Postgraduate (PhD) Training or are you an employer of marine postgraduates? Then come…
Mr. Noel Dempsey, T.D Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources today officially launched the…
A Marine Functional Foods Research Initiative funded by the Marine Institute and the Department of Agriculture and…
The aim of this workshop is to communicate the results of the research activities that the Marine Institute and the…
The Marine Institute special award in Biological and Ecological Sciences at the Esat BT Young Scientist &…